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Alexis G. Waller

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​I am currently engaged in post-graduate training to become an IAAP-certified Jungian Analyst with the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association in New York. After interning in a psychoanalytically supervised private practice in Portland, ME and in the Maine College of Art & Design counseling center, I completed my Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the University of Southern Maine and am a conditionally licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC-C) in midcoast Maine.  


I also hold a Doctor of Theology in Religion, Gender, and Culture from Harvard Divinity School and a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in New York, where I began my studies in depth psychology. As a teacher and an academic over the past decade, I have engaged ancient religious texts through queer, feminist, and race critical lenses as a means for activating curiosity about our individual and collective histories, inherited assumptions, and personal values. With clients who are interested in exploring spirituality or religious experiences, I draw on my academic studies as well as my personal practices rooted in Zen Buddhism, creative arts, and the cycles of the natural world. These experiences inform my capacity to engage critically and compassionately with clients who may be working through complex experiences with religious/spiritual authorities and traditions. In a previous career I taught high school, and I still enjoy engaging young adults in individual and group work.



Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, New York, 2023—ongoing

Training to become a Jungian psychoanalyst consists of a four-year curriculum of didactic coursework, intensive clinical supervision, and ongoing personal analysis.


BodyDreaming Training, Modules 2—9, Spring 2022—Fall 2024

Didactic and experiential trainings with Somatic Experiencing-trained Jungian Analyst Marian Dunlea in her attachment-based, trauma-informed somatic approach to dreamwork and emotional regulation.


UZAZU Foundations of Embodied Intelligence, Portland, ME April 2023

3-day experiential training in Dylan Newcomb's embodiment-based methods for facilitating state balance & regulation and integrating body-mind awareness and experience.


Foundations of Emotion Focused Therapy, Portland, ME, May—July 2022
Weekly training at Gestalt/Experiential Therapy of Maine, with Tom Kubasik, LCPC.


Modern Psychoanalytic Group Training & Process Group, September 2021—May 2022

Weekly training/process group facilitated by Aaron E. Black, PhD, CGP, FAGPA.


Philadelphia Jung Seminar, Spring Semester 2021

Attended courses one weekend per month taught by IRSJA-affiliated Jungian Analysts.


Addressing Anti-Blackness in Psychotherapy: Implications for Practice & Advocacy, February 2021
Training at Embodied Mind NYC with Daniel Jose Gaztambide, PsyD.


Dreaming in Color: Race in the Unconscious, February 2021

Workshop with Jungian Analyst Fanny Brewster, PhD, MFA, hosted by the Jung Society of Washington.


Restorative Justice & Community Circle Facilitation at Harvard Divinity School, January 2019

Three-day training led by Fania E. Davis, PhD, JD, and Teiahsha Bankhead, PhD, LCSW. Explored origins and practices of restorative justice at the intersections of spirituality, indigeneity, racial justice, and peacebuilding. Learned Community-Building and Conflict Circle facilitation.

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