My Approach
My approach is collaborative, somatically attuned, and depth-oriented. In speaking of depth, I am using metaphor to capture what lies "beneath" the consciously known "surface" of our lives, behind the familiar parts of ourselves. We seek to engage your out of view, unconscious parts as well as the myths and images that have accompanied and shaped you in order to understand their impact on your current patterns of living and the path they may be nudging you towards living more consciously. As we explore the relationship that develops between us and the links between your past and present experiences, we work towards transformation of symptoms and patterns that may stem from your earliest experiences or may have developed in response to a current impasse. To support this process, I draw on techniques that assist nervous system regulation, embodied awareness, and attunement to attachment dynamics in the here and now. While it requires commitment, this way of working in depth can lead to a greater sense of self-efficacy, meaning and purpose, and flexible responsiveness across different areas of one's life.
Jungian Analysis
As a Jungian psychoanalyst-in-training, my work is shaped by commitment to the images that emerge from our depths (through dreams, fantasies, creative activities) and reverence for each person's innate capacity to orient towards growth and wholeness. C.G. Jung theorized the human psyche as consisting of a matrix of parts or complexes which we can become more aware of and engaged with through dreamwork, imaginative activity, and curious attention to our strong reactions to relationships and events. In Jungian analysis, we work to build a respectful relationship with your less conscious or "symptomatic" parts by sincerely asking what they might have to offer your conscious personality and approach to life. We also look beyond the personal through a symbolic lens; in the process, your dreams and symptoms may come to feel like unexpected guides or allies, helpers that compensate for one-sided conscious attitudes, expanding your capacity to relate to different aspects of yourself, others, and the collective(s) to which you belong. You may come to make meaning, take actions, and cultivate attitudes that work in deeper relationship with the whole of your Self.